Stop The Epidemic of Bad Management

You’ve Been Promoted – NOW WHAT?

Envision this. You’re an “A” player at your company. You exceed quota month after month, quarter after quarter, year after year. You’re the safe bet for any project and well recognized throughout the company. You’re the ambitious type, so OF COURSE, you’ve expressed that you aspire to keep growing in the company, however possible.

FINALLY, there’s a management position open and you’ve been told that this is the best opportunity to grow in the company!!! You’re getting a big raise too! Oh, the excitement! But wait… “I’ve never managed before, how do I do this?” But, leadership has always relied on you to be the “independent, self-motivated” type and certainly weren’t expecting to have to spend a lot of time with you. It’s like finding out you have the “bad management” illness and now you have to figure out how to cure it!

>>Read the full article at Turning the Corner