Money-Back Guarantee

Trust is important and we want you to feel completely secure about purchasing our products. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell from a website whether or not you’re dealing with a reputable company, and, of course you want to be absolutely certain that what you receive meets or exceeds your expectations.

Our Unconditional Guarantee Policy is Simple:

Our products are backed with an iron-clad 100% seven-day Money Back Guarantee.

This means we’ll refund your money with a smile if you find the product you ordered not to be as you expected. No hassles, no questions asked, and we’ll still remain friends (I promise).

The bottom line is this:

If you’re not happy, we’re not happy! So if you don’t feel the information works for you, or you’re not getting the results you expected from the program, you can cancel your membership within seven days of your order date. (Your order date is noted in the confirmation e-mail you received.)

All you have to do is send us an e-mail with your order confirmation # and “Refund Request” in the subject line.

We will credit your credit card or PayPal account for the cost of the product within one week of the date we receive your e-mail.

It’s really as simple as that!

You see, the reason we can offer this type of guarantee is simple: when you have a program that works, there’s never any fear offering people the ability to get their money back if they’re not completely satisfied.

All the risk has been removed for you when you order our program.

Kind regards,



Jesse Jacoby
Developer of Rocket ManagerTM
Founder of Emergent
contact me by email